

Refining Women’s Health. Improve estrogen metabolism to lessen symptoms of pms, endometriosis, and uterine fibroid tumors.

dnaEstrogen® tests for gene variants that have been shown to impact how estrogen is metabolized, how estrogen is processed in the body, and if the processing of estrogen and related compounds is efficient and healthy. This information may help individuals lessen the risk of breast cancers.


The Results

Why Test?

dnaEstrogen tests for gene variants that have been shown to impact how estrogen is metabolized, how estrogen is processed in the body, and if the processing of estrogen and related compounds is efficient and healthy. This information may help individuals lessen the risk of breast cancers.  

Healthcare practitioners use dnaEstrogen test results to prescribe individualized nutritional and lifestyle interventions to mitigate breast cancer risk in women with high-risk genetic profiles.  The personalization of diet, hormone and nutritional supplement recommendations can assist to improve estrogen metabolism.


You suffer from endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or uterine fibroid tumors

Family history

have a family history of breast or prostate cancer


You are considering hormone replacement therapy